
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

3 types of car­ti­lage tissue

3 types of car­ti­lage tissue:

  1. Hya­line car­ti­lage is made of col­la­gen and has a dis­tinc­tive glassy appear­ance.  It is found inside of joints and inside the res­pi­ra­tory sys­tem.  A baby is full of this before the bones are totally formed.
  2. Elas­tic car­ti­lage made of, you guessed it, elas­tic fibers.  They can bend and snap back, like your outer ear, lar­ynx, and epiglot­tis.
  3. Fibro­car­ti­lage is made of col­la­gen and is in between ver­te­brae.  Fibro­car­ti­lage is some­thing between Hya­line and Dense reg­u­lar con­nec­tive tis­sue because it resists pulling and has strong com­pres­sion attrib­utes.  Anu­lus fibro­sus are the ones in between ver­te­brae.  Menisci are the fibro­car­ti­lage specif­i­cally in the knee.

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